Thursday, June 23, 2011

behind the stories

Recently, when I was cleaning out the garage, I came across a book I'd bought about 10 years ago and never read. Well, I'd read about a chapter back then but it was so painful to me in those pre-publishing days that I buried it:) Now I'm really reading it and wish I'd stuck with it from the first as it would have encouraged me so much...

AND IT'S NOW AVAILABLE FOR ONE CENT BRAND NEW ON AMAZON!!! How's that for a summer reading deal?

Since it has one of my favorite historical authors inside, Liz Curtis Higgs, I read her chapter first:) But there are many other authors who have some wonderful things to say. I didn't know, for instance, that dear Liz was such a popular speaker and radio personality that she had a large audience waiting when she published her first novel. Or that Karen Kingsbury waited over a year for an editor to make a decision on the first manuscript that launched her career. This is just a few of the gems you'll find within its 288 pages.

I enjoyed these quotes at the start of each chapter...

The work of art which I do not make, none other will ever make. ~Simone Weil

Instead of a gem, or even a flower, if we could cast the gift of a lovely thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give. ~George MacDonald

I believe our heart desires are the allurements of God, coaxing us to a life beyond what we could ever ask or imagine. As we serve God out of our desires, we find a fulfillment and satisfaction like we've never known. ~Douglas J. Rumford

Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential. ~Winston Churchill

God is as creative in how He breaks into our lives as He is in the original creation. ~Lucy Shaw