Monday, August 25, 2008

still raining...

Life in Washington state is never dull! Yesterday we had torrential rains and lost power for the day. My computer battery was low so that meant no work for me. We had a wonderful church service and then just as I set Randy's chili dog down in front of him at lunch, the lights went out. It seemed someone flicked some heavenly switch as the rain poured even harder.

I looked out at our very green overgrown garden and thought of all the canning that isn't happening. Really, there is some strange gardening phenomenon going on this year. If I went out with a magnifying glass I might be able to detect a green bean or two. And our corn is simply laughable! If you blow hard you might take those skinny stalks down. But we have a bumper crop of potatoes and peas and marigolds. WET is the watchword.

In desperation we got in the car and drove 45 minutes to the nearest Home Depot. It's a great time to shop for a grill. My mom gifted us with one of those wonderful outdoor fireplaces called a chiminea so we picked out one of those as well. Mom, if you're reading this - thank you!!! I haven't had time to call you yet this morning. It is a lovely bisque color and we can't wait to use it, once it stops raining. It came with a little warning to not use in the rain. Hmmm. Not to worry. Randy is making a little hat for it - a finial of sorts - at work.

We aren't shoppers so anything like this is a big deal. That we purchased two things in one day and actually got them crammed into our Jeep seems just short of a miracle. The boys rode home with the big clay chiminea between them in the back seat and it kept them from getting physical which seems to be a problem for 9-11 year olds.

We weren't home five minutes when the power came back on. Bliss! But I was too tired to do any writing. Plus I just discovered a terrible little secret about this second book. More tomorrow ...

Hope your Monday is sunny wherever you are:)

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